Holistic Reset: The Juice Cleanse for Regenerating Body and Mind
Replacing solid food with juices every three to four hours for three or seven days - At first, it sounds like a challenge. Especially if juice fasting is to be carried out several times a year at best. At the same time, a juice fast brings numerous health benefits and can be the starting point for a healthier lifestyle.
We want to explain to you
What effects does the Juice Cleanse have on my body?
Having only juices instead of solid food for a certain period of time is a kind of reset for body and mind. At the same time, juice fasting can be a step towards a holistic lifestyle. Instead of empty calories, saturated fatty acids, too much industrial sugar or even stimulants such as alcohol, coffee and nicotine, your body receives vitamins and minerals every day through the juices, which, among other benefits, help to strengthen your immune system and provide natural energy.
Anti-Aging through an improved cell metabolism
Fasting also has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of our cells, as they work more efficiently in response to lower energy intake. In the absence of caloric intake or when it is greatly reduced, the cells begin to eat themselves, the so-called autophagy occurs. Don't worry, this is a type of recycling program by the cells in which they break down damaged cellular components to produce energy. To trigger autophagy, it is important that the body does not produce insulin. This is produced mainly for digestion when blood sugar levels rise.
The improved cell metabolism in turn slows down the aging process, which is why fasting and healthy eating have a positive effect on longevity.
To achieve this health effect, however, it is not necessary to perform a zero fast, i.e. a pure water fast. Dr. Otto Buchinger developed a therapeutic fasting method based on low-calorie energy intake as early as 1920. Invigorating vegetable broths as well as nutrient-rich juices provide the cells with vitamins and minerals during fasting, which they also need for cell cleansing.
In addition, the fruits and vegetables in the juices contain valuable antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress, triggered for example by environmental toxins, alcohol or nicotine, and thus against cell damage.
Find more about our juices and juice cleanses here!
Our DALUMA Juice Cleanse works similarly to Buchinger fasting, except that the juices are conveniently delivered to your home and our app accompanies you on your fasting journey. Our juices have a high vegetable content, are not stretched with apple or orange juice and therefore have a low fructose content, the natural sugar in fruit or vegetables. Through the greatly reduced calorie intake, the restricted sugar content as well as the meal breaks as in intermittent fasting, cell regeneration also takes place in our Juice Cleanse..
Find more about our Juice Cleanses here!
Relief and new energy
Overall, juice fasting also serves to detoxify the body, the entire metabolism is boosted and balanced, the complexion improves and valuable intestinal bacteria that fight off pathogens are promoted.
In addition, your body already experiences a relief during the fasting period, since it saves a large part of its energy, which it normally spends on digestion. Especially after very fatty or heavy food, many people notice a fast-onset and long-lasting fatigue. Many who fast feel, despite the smaller energy supply during the juice cleanse, more elated and energy-loaded. Overall, juice fasting has a positive effect on the body's own processes, the energy balance stabilizes and sleep also becomes more restful.
A myth that still needs to be cleared up at this point: Even if fasting people lose some kilos due to the loss of water during the juice cleanse, losing weight is not the goal of a cleanse. Also afterwards, a healthy life-style should be maintained, otherwise the kilos quickly regained.
The quality of the juices is decisive!
The high quality of the juice and the balanced composition of the ingredients, taking into account our nutritional needs, are essential for the success of the cleanse. Only in this way the body has a constant and adequate supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In order to offer the full range of vital substances, the juices must therefore be composed of a balanced mixture of organic fruits and vegetables. Pure vegetable juices or green juices, which contain a lot of vegetables with low fructose content, are essential for cell regeneration.
The nutrients in the juice are preserved by the fact that they are cold pressed and raw and not pasteurized. Pasteurization, which is the application of heat to kill bacteria and germs, also causes the vitamins to be lost. Here, enzymes have to be especially considered. As biocatalysts, they are essential for our metabolism, but due to their high sensitivity, in industrial pressing techniques and pasteurization they are destroyed or oxidized. Therefore, all our juices are cold pressed.
Nevertheless, the bacteria must be eliminated so that (not only) fasting people can enjoy uncontaminated food. The so-called HPP process (high-pressure processing), an ultra-high pressure treatment capable of killing bacteria without heat, is suitable for this purpose. The cold pressing process also protects the juice from the effects of light and heat in order to preserve the vital substances.
As much value fasting people should put on the inner values of the organic juice, they should put on the packaging. Since we focus on the holistic approach, and therefore also on the protection of the environment that provides us with the nutrients, the logical conclusion was to create a sustainable packaging for our juices. Therefore, the DALUMA juices are supplied in bio-compostable bottles without plastic to protect the environment.
Find more about our juices and Juice Cleanses here!
3 Day Juice Cleanse - This is how you can achieve your reset
Even before the actual start of the juice cleanse, it is recommended to eat more consciously. Fast food, excessive sugar, salt or coffee should be avoided, and it is best to switch to a whole-food diet. Smaller portions and lighter meals also help to accustom the body to the lower calorie intake of the next few days.
Since fasting means a certain change for your body, you should avoid stress during these days. The goal is to regain the balance of the body's own processes and also to relieve yourself mentally and relax. How fasting enthusiasts can best prepare for the coming period is explained in our
DALUMA App, which accompanies you throughout the entire process.
For beginners, the 3-day Juice Cleanse is recommended to see how their body reacts and to get used to fasting itself. Advanced users can directly do the 7-day Juice Cleanse.
Download our App here and start your Juice Cleanse!
Day 1 – What happens in my body during a Juice Cleanse?
A juice cleanse can sometimes also affect the mental or emotional state of those fasting: The reduced calories and general change in diet can cause mood swings. Headaches, fatigue, exhaustion and irritability are also among the accompanying symptoms of fasting that can occur from the first day onwards.
If you suffer from a bad mood, there are several ways to boost your mood and better deal with the changes in your body and mind:
A playlist compiled with your favorite music or your favorite podcast helps you to get through difficult phases during the fasting period. Breathwork, i.e. specific breathing exercises, also helps to relax the body. Meditation and daily journaling, i.e. a kind of diary, additionally help to focus on the inner changes, to become aware of them and to record them on paper. Since we at DALUMA follow a holistic approach, we consciously pay attention not only to physical changes, but also accompany you during the Juice Cleanse on your inner development. With tips and motivations, our app accompanies you from the first day. With push messages, it not only reminds you to drink the juices, but also provides you with moments of mindfulness.
Download our app here and start your Juice Cleanse!
However, if the feeling of hunger that arises is too strong, a vegetable or bone broth will provide relief. It is also important to drink enough water throughout the day! Fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs or even Himalayan salt can be added to the water for a pleasant taste. Our app will also help you with this challenge with tips and tricks.
Day 2 – Should I workout during the Juice Cleanse?
Movement and exercise are part of a healthy lifestyle. Since every person is different and every body reacts differently to a juice cleanse, no general statement can be made as to whether sports can be done during the multi-day phase. Generally speaking, fasting people, whether they are on a juice or therapeutic fasting cure, should not engage in competitive sports or do extensive workouts. After all, the body is in a conversion phase and does not receive its usual daily energy requirements.
However, the body should not lack daily, light exercise. A long walk, fast walking, yoga and stretching exercises are particularly beneficial activities during fasting days. For example, the DALUMA App will send you reminders and recommendations throughout the day, so that you can get enough exercise without overexerting yourself. Furthermore, fresh air in particular boosts your mood in case of mood swings or irritability and ensures a clear head. If possible, you should not only take a walk outside.
Day 3 – Almost made it! What should I consider after the Juice Cleanse?
The end of the fast is in sight! Congratulations! However, that doesn't mean that unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits should return right away. If you have done the Juice Cleanse for a change to a healthier lifestyle - both physically and mentally - the completed fast is the ideal starting point for comprehensive changes.
In the long term, switching to a whole-food, balanced and primarily plant-based diet is beneficial to your health. The new awareness of (solid) food can be taken into your everyday life. This includes eating slowly and chewing sufficiently. Taking time for eating and being really present in this moment will make you enjoy and appreciate the meal more.
Specifically, during the build-up days after fasting, light food, i.e. fruit, vegetables, yogurt and soups, and small portions are recommended in order to prevent digestive problems or nausea. For the change to solid food, the body, especially the digestive tract, also needs some time and with heavy food he would be initially overwhelmed. A great way to breaking the fast, by the way, is an apple.
In this video we explain you how you can break your fasting period most optimally!