How do I achieve clear, balanced and radiant skin? We asked dermatologist Dr. Med Katharina Schüring.
What are the main causes of irritated and inflamed skin?
Inflammation in the body is a defense mechanism of the immune system. When toxins enter or injuries occur, your immune system sends defensive signals to your cells, causing inflammation.
Your daily lifestyle has major effects on the health and balance of your skin: Do you sleep enough and well? Do you exercise regularly? Do you consume toxic substances like alcohol or nicotine? Do you drink enough water?
Your diet also plays a significant role in your skin health. Cut out refined sugars and empty, processed carbohydrates like white flour. Instead, choose healthy fats (like those found in nuts, avocados, or olive oil), proteins (especially oily fish like salmon), green vegetables (spinach, kale, broccoli), and complex carbohydrates like beans, legumes, and whole grains.
In addition, your hormones and skincare routine have a significant impact on your skin health.
With these basic principles of your diet you can reduce inflammation support and clear skin:
1. Green Vegetables: Rich in magnesium, it may help reduce inflammation.
2. Omega-3 fatty acids, which you can find in salmon, tuna, olive oil or nuts, for example, can inhibit inflammatory processes.
3. By avoiding trans fatty acids (unsaturated fatty acids), you can reduce the risk of inflammation developing in the body.
4. Refined or artificial sugars inhibit the production of elastin and collagen, which determine your skin's firmness, elasticity, and clarity. Avoid it as much as possible.
The building blocks of your daily skincare routine for brighter skin:
1. Wash your face every morning and evening.
2. Use natural vitamin C as a valuable antioxidant to protect against free radicals.
3. Apply hyaluronic acid to help tighten skin and reduce lines.
DALUMA's Cellular Resurgence Serum combines natural, bioavailable vitamin C and hyaluronic acid to support your holistic skin health.
4. Keep your body's collagen supply up to help skin rejuvenate and build up the deep layers of the skin. (DALUMA's 6 Elements Skin Repair provides you with bioavailable collagen and omega-3 for radiant skin)
5. Use sunscreen daily.
6. Check your skincare products for harmful ingredients that irritate and clog your skin. The app codecheck tells you exactly how supportive the products are for your skin.
Support the natural cleansing mechanisms of your skin with daily routines:
1. Minimize stress:
Emotional stress is associated with increased levels of interleukin-6, a signaling substance in the immune system (inflammatory response) that can damage blood vessels.
2. Stay active and exercise regularly:
Regular activities like fitness classes, even going for walks, can significantly reduce inflammatory reactions.
3. Get enough and good quality sleep:
Sleeping 6 hours or more helps your body to regenerate. Less time of good quality sleep may increase inflammatory responses and irritability.
Holistic solutions for your goals:
Prebiotic Purifying Serum to reduce inflammation and strengthen the skin barrier.
Cleansing Face Mask against irritation and for the balance of skin functions.
Breitband Biotic 20/5 Billion to strengthen the microbiome of the intestine and skin.
360° micronutrient all-in-one solution for the systematic supply of skin-essential vitamins.
Activated Charcoal Juice Rehab supports cleaning from the inside.
Burning Man Shot supports anti-inflammatory processes with ginger, oregano and cayenne.